basic guide for minecraft

basic guide for minecraft

          still confuse to play minecraft,the crafting recipe, how to survive when night come, the basic mining tips,this is the basic guide just for you
how to survive

  1. first you must collect some resource like wood
  2. make a crafting table and pickaxe, if you dont know the recipe,this is the recipe for you

  3. mine some stone with your wooden pick axe if you have enough stone make a stone pickaxe and mine stone until you have enough stone to make other tools like sword and axe.what!?!?! you don't know to make sword and axe, this is the recipe for you
  4. find three wool to make a bed,this is the recipe
  5. make a simple shelter with wood plank
mining tips
  1. before mining make sure you bring a lot of wood,a lot of food,and the most important pickaxe
  2. never dig down when mining because if you dig down you can fall to lava
  3. make sure you bring torch and sword because on cave is dark and monster can spawn on dark place
  4. better mining on cave system because its easier to find ores's
  5. if you got alot of ore's and you wanna smelt it dont use coal use block of coal,cause the durability of block of coal is much longer than coal
  6. if you find mob spawner dont break it just put some torch,cause you can make a xp farm with your spawner
  7. this is the level of some ore 1.coal level 64-127
                                                       2.iron level 32-64
                                              level 16-32
                                                       4.diamond level 10-16

      8.and the most important when mining is never swim on lava

i hope this article help you byeeeee ;) ;) ;)


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