what is minecraft

what is minecraft

what is minecraft? if you ask that question maybe this is the right article you should see.minecraft is a sandbox game where you must take some resource to survive.you must make a shelter to defend you
from some monster.in this game you can mining get some iron,gold,and diamond.make tools and armor,defeat the ender dragon

in minecraft there are 4 mode:
                                                 1.survival mode,on survival mode you have 20 life bar,you can get
                                                    hungry easily when you run/sprint,the difficulty level is normal,
                                                    if you die you can respawn
                                                 2.hardcore mode,same with survival you have 20 life bar,you can get                                                     hungry when you run,but its the different on hardcore mode the
                                                    difficulty level is hard,and if you die you can't respawn
                                                 3.creative mode.on creative mode you can't die,you can fly,you have
                                                    unlimited resource.the point of this mode is you can build your
                                                    creatifity,your imagination
                                                 4.spectator mode,on spectator mode you can pierce block,you can't die,
                                                    you can fly.the point of this mode is you can see the entire minecraft
                                                    word easily

there are some types of mob:
                                           1.passive,this type of mob never gonna attack you even you attack them
                                              like bat,chicken,cow,pig,rabbit,and sheep
                                           2.tamable,this type of mob you can tame like horse,Llama,wolf,and ocelot
                                           3.neutral,neutral mob just gonna attack you when you attack them like
                                              enderman,polar bear,and zombie pigman
                                           4.hostile,this mob is gonna attack you until you die like zombie,skeleton
                                              spider,and the others
                                           5.utility,this mob is gonna help you kill the hostile mob like iron golem, 
                                              and snow golem

 so wanna play this game?maybe you wanna ask ''is this game gonna make my computer lag or something like that?''no this game is not make your computer lag.now we gonna talk about the
requirement to play this game

Minimum Requirements:
  • CPU: Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 (K8) 2.6 GHz
  • RAM: 2GB
  • GPU (Integrated): Intel HD Graphics or AMD (formerly ATI) Radeon HD Graphics with OpenGL 2.1
  • GPU (Discrete): Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT or AMD Radeon HD 2400 with OpenGL 3.1
  • HDD: At least 200MB for Game Core and Other Files
  • Java 6 Release 45
Recommended Requirements:
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 or AMD Athlon II (K10) 2.8 GHz
  • RAM: 4GB
  • GPU: GeForce 2xx Series or AMD Radeon HD 5xxx Series (Excluding Integrated Chipsets) with OpenGL 3.3
  • HDD: 1GB
  • Latest release of Java 8 from java.com
Software Requirements:
  • Minecraft Release 1.6 or newer. Older versions will need to be updated to current versions
  • Please note that some users experience issues playing Minecraft while using a mismatched version of Java for their operating system (32 or 64 bit), while using certain versions of Java 7, or while multiple versions of Java are installed
                                         so I hope this article help you byeeeeeeee


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